Mature dating with Gracefully Single

Are you seeking companionship, laughter, genuine friendship, and a fresh start? Welcome to Gracefully Single, the UK’s premier dating service for mature singles. Discover the joy of new connections and our vibrant community waiting to welcome you.

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Image of a mature woman over 50
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Image of a happy mature couple on a fun date
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Create a free profile today. Browse members, view your matches, and see why we’re the #1 destination for singles over 50 seeking love and companionship.
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Image of an older man using an online dating website
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Ready to make new connections? Join our vibrant community and start meeting fellow members today. Connect, chat, and arrange meet-ups with singles from all over the UK!

Dating over 50

As you get older you are probably more independent, confident and a little wiser than your younger self. Your needs have changed. That is where Gracefully Single comes in. We are a dedicated UK based mature dating site for singles over 50. Our goal is to help more senior singles find someone special to share in their prime of life.

Many say age is merely a number which is true but we know from years of experience that you are far more likely to enjoy your time as a member of a dating site if you are surrounded by member of a similar age. You are also far more likely to be successful in your search for someone special. As a member of Gracefully Single you can enjoy the same benefits most popular dating websites offer such as, secure messaging, compatibility tests, photo profiles, location based searches and much more but in a relaxed, easy to use environment with likeminded singles.

Gracefully Single – The leading dating site for the over 50’s in The UK

With Gracefully Single you can register your free profile and start meeting new friends, find love or just enjoy the company of people who share the same interests and pastimes as you, all in under a minute. All you need is a working email address to get started so we can validate your account. This helps us ensure Gracefully Single has only genuine members who are serious about meeting new people.

Mature men over 50

Our database of members over 50 is a great mix of both men and women so you can be assured when you join that you will find plenty of local women over 50 who want to meet someone like you.

Mature women over 50

We have thousands of mature men looking for love right now so today is the perfect time to start a new, exciting chapter in your life. Online dating is a little bit different to meeting people in everyday life. You may be used to men making the first move. If you see someone who catches your eye, don’t be afraid, let them know and see what happens. Our members are a lovely bunch and would love to hear from you. If you are a bit shy or don’t know what to say, try sending a wink or an icebreaker. The perfect way to introduce yourself or show some interest if you are new to the site.

We make finding a date easy

You may have a bit more time on your hands but that’s not to say you want to waste it spending hours scrolling through thousands of online dating profiles. Thankfully Gracefully Single have several features designed to make life a bit easier like our automated member suggestions. Our matchmaking robot hand picks members you may be interested in meeting and will suggest new members for you each time you log in. We will also let you know who’s been looking at your profile you can see who may have been checking you out but was a bit shy to say hi. Our clever search filters are another great way to narrow down your searches and ensure unsuitable members do not appear in your results. You can be as create as you like in your searches:

  • Filter by location or postcode
  • Set upper and lower age limits
  • Find members by religious beliefs if that’s important to you in a partner
  • Filter out smokers if that’s a big no-no for you
  • Find members with the same interests and hobbies as you
  • Even search by body type or hair colour if you like
  • You can save your searches so we only suggest members who match your demanding or not so demanding criteria
Need a little help along the way?

Our friendly team are online 24/7 to answer and questions or give you a bit of guidance. Simply select help to be connected via instant chat to one of our support team based here in The UK.

A word on your privacy

We take your privacy and online safety seriously. We provide built in communication tools which are available via your home computer or any mobile device so you can keep your communications secure within our site rather than giving out personal contact details to strangers.

We never sell or pass on any of our members personal details or reveal them to other members of Gracefully Single.

You can find out more about online safety here.

Preparing for your date

So you've been trying out a few possibilities, have updated your profile and put a decent picture up online, now what? You've gone onto the forums and chatted with a few people. There's been a bit of interest and a few cheeky messages, and now it's crunch time - time to actually meet that person from the other side of the screen. You might be getting a little worried about now, especially if you've been off the dating scene for a while - so here's a few quick tips to help you stay safe and still enjoy your time out.

Safety First

First off, there's no reason to let common sense slip past you on your way out the door. From a safety point of view, here are some essentials to bear in mind:

Wherever you agree to meet, make sure that it is in a public place. Long walks in isolated areas can wait until you're sure they're not actually Dexter Morgan or Hannibal Lector.

Take a well charged mobile phone with you and keep it switched on all the way through the date, even if it's on silent. Not only will it come in handy if you need to call a cab, but you can have a friend track you with Latitude, Foursquare or a similar mapping service for extra safety as you check in to places.

Tell people where you are going, the name of the person you are meeting and what time you expect to be back.

Keep a close eye on your personal possessions as well as any food and drink you might order while you're out.

Don't, at least on your first date, rely on your date for transport either to or from wherever you are going. Stay safe by keeping control of your means of transport, your times of travel and route, if only so you can bow out early if it's really not working out.

Enjoying Yourself

If it's been a while since you've been out on a date, now's the time to put a bit of thought into how you're going to shine and convince them to line up for a second go. While there's no sure-fire recipe for success, there are a few things you can do to give yourself a boost. All you need is a bit of time, a sense of humour, some basic hygiene and a willingness to listen.

Take the time to spruce yourself up rather than slouching round looking like something the cat dragged in. First appearances count as much in dating as they do in job hunting, so take the time to have a wash and brush up.

Select your wardrobe with care. You're proving you're not a small child that needs to be dressed by someone one else, so dress to appropriately impress.

Above all, dare to relax. Take a good deep breath before you head out the door and just go with the intention to enjoy the evening and the company of the person you're with. Let it all just develop from there as it will. Even if you don't have a second date, the odds are you'll at least have enjoyed the night out.

Articles and advice

Writing a good dating profile

Signing up for any dating site is always a bit of a challenge, and no more so than when you start to write your profile. Here at Gracefully Single, we recognise that you might be feeling a little stuck, and we want you to be able to have the best chance of finding Mr or Miss Right. What better then than to stop and take a couple of minutes to think about what makes for a good profile?

Keeping safe online

We love the whole concept of online dating – and in particular we like how it means that we don't have to spend quite so much time hopping from bar to bar in the search for that special someone. Nothing is ever entirely safe though, even a life lived online. Read our simple guide to keeping safe online.

How to spot a dating scammmer

For the most part, you'll meet some amazing people online. Unfortunately there are also some deeply unpleasant people around too – and some of those are actively trying to scam you. When it comes to the dating world, these people are often known as ‘catfish', and they often create elaborate identities specifically tailored to elicit your sympathy.